When F designer was created we wanted to approach business differently. To bring something we felt the industry was missing. Sure, making money, selling lots of merchandise and bringing fame to the brand all comes with the dream,
- How could this be special?
- How could we really stand out?
For starters, F designer had to be an agent of change, for good in the world. We would go to great lengths to ensure we are sweatshop free, carbon neutral and Vegan friendly. We would commit to building a brand that’s both empathetic and exploitation free, taking steps to ensure that everything we sell is 100% ethically sourced. In building a supply chain free of exploitation we would serve as a model for how businesses might be run in a global economy based around humanitarian principles. Ultimately we decided we would be a beacon of positivity and love. Love, the highest vibration which would reflect in everything we do. Love that you can see. Love that you could feel. Love to look good!
F designer, 2020